Tumbledown Run 2025
The sun was shining, spirits were high and students were excited for the Tumbledown Run 2025! It was an incredibly hot but beautiful day with a nice breeze up amongst the hills. Sun cream and water checks complete, it was time for students to disembark the coaches and make their way up to the starting point!
As always year 11 students arrived in a fantastic array of outfits from cowboys to dinosaurs, cheerleaders, sharks, a minion, Snow White, a watermelon, a Teletubby, a few shearers… oh and Rowan Fletcher in a beautiful Lycra dress!
There was a sense of nervous excitement amongst the year 7 students for their first go at this annual event, hoping to put a bit of pressure on the older year groups! They received a warm cheer from the rest of the school to encourage them on their way!
Following a fun warm-up led by Mrs Molligoda which ended with the Waka Waka, Miss Bailey went through the final course and safety information before students descended on the starting line.
The students really put the work in and it wasn’t long before they started to return! First across the finish line was Louis Francis who said of his win “It was tiring, I regretted doing it in sliders, but it felt good to win my last Tumbledown!” He then continued around the course for a second time to join his year group in their celebrations and camaraderie.
It was great to have Executive Head, Karen Steen and Director of Education, Sarah Stannard, as well as some keen supporters in attendance, cheering the students across the finish line.
Thank you to Stanley Growers for providing fruit for the runners, Dan Biggs and Paul Watson from the FIDF for supporting the event as always, Polar Seafish Ltd. for providing the coaches and all the staff at FICS for taking part and supporting the event.
Next up is Sports Day at the end of this half term! Why not sign-up for the Junior (Y7-9) and Adult (Y10/11) Athletics Day on Saturday 8th February 2025 to get some practice in before the big day! Sign-up via the National Sports Council Facebook page.